Hello, friends....enemies...humans...I hope...
Here is a song to get us started:
Holiday - Hilary Duff (lyrics courtesy of metrolyrics.com)
I remember summers, you & me lasting forever
Holidays come & we'd never, never ever be apart
I remember spending, all of my time, every minute
The two of us we had our own rhythm, intune with the beat of my heart
Now in the summer (I miss you) & in the winter (I miss you)
It don't matter (what I do) Since you went away, since you went away
Now in the summer (I miss you) & in the winter (I miss you)
It don't matter what I do It don't matter what I say you left it
You took a holiday from us
Took a trip & left your love If your heart went down forever
You should have told me where it was
You took a holiday from me
I guess you needed to be free
Would have loved you with no measure & now you got me asking
Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) did you go? (where did you go huh?)
Where did my heart go?
You took a holiday
Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) did you go?
Why did you leave?
This ain't no holiday for me
Walkin', watching you leave there's no talking
Back on my own it's so shocking, guess forever was just a dream
I think we could have made it, but our history now is fading
My image of the future is changing & baby damn that thing called destiny, got the best of me
Now in the summer (I miss you) & in the winter (I miss you) It don't matter what I do It don't matter what I say you left it
You took a holiday from us
Took a trip & left your love
If your heart went down forever
You should have told me where it was
You took a holiday from me
I guess you needed to be free
Would have loved you with no measure & now you got me asking Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) did you go? (where did you go huh?)
Where did my heart go? You took a holiday Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) Where (where did you go huh?, where did you go huh?) did you go?
Why did you leave?
This ain't no holiday for me
If I could take a step back, make it turn out different I would hide those bags, and I’d tear that ticket
Never thought you and me would be done in a minute
Now I’m making new plans and you’re just not in it
If I could take a step back, make it turn out different I would hide those bags, and I’d tear that ticket
Never thought you and me would be done in a minute
Now I’m making new plans and you’re just not in it (Where did you go?)
You took a Holiday from us
Took a trip and left your love If your heart went down forever
Should’ve told me where it was
You took a Holiday from me I guess you needed to be free
Would have loved you with no measure
And now you got me asking Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?)
Where did my heart go?
You take a Holiday Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Where did you go? (Where?) Why did you leave?
This ain’t a Holiday for me
That has been the song stuck in my head these past few days. But let's talk about more meaningful topics...
ABNA, also known as Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.
I joined. My views are basically you have the same chance entering this contest as you do if you sent your MS to an agent. Actually, you have a better chance, because Penguin might even like your book and publish it, the contract isn't just for the grand prize winner!
I don't see harm in entering. Sure, idea theives might steal your idea, but if your story is really good and original, then you should have no problelm sending it to another publisher if you don't win.
That's another thing - if you don't win. You can always send your book to another publisher! It's not like you signed a contract with the dude downstairs and have to stick with him forever. And if you don't win, it's not like your going to die. Maybe your hopes would be diminished, but you should know by now that not everything in life is fair. That is why I am such a pessimist someimes - it's easier just to think bad things are going to happen so when they do it's not so disappointing. And if you do win, then that would be a wonderful surprise!
If you don't want to join, well, that's your decision. I'm just telling you, if you have a chance at getting your book published, then you have a chance at winning.
If you don't want to join, well, that's your decision. I'm just telling you, if you have a chance at getting your book published, then you have a chance at winning.
Writing a pitch is just like writing a query. If anything, you can only get better.
Me, I just want to see if I'm good enough to make it through the first stage. Still waiting impatiently for the email on March 16. I'll tell you the news.
Otherwise, let's go on to other topics.
I love this book. I am only on page...*checks book*...220. But I think that Christopher Paolini is an amazing story teller and I noticed he enjoys the use of similes. I haven't finished it, but I think that I prefer Eldest so far. Much more exciting. Eragon's relationship with Arya reminds me of Bella's relationship with Edward. Because Edward and Arya are both very old but in young form.
Which brings us to my poll.
Edward Cullen vs Harry Potter.
Let's view the pros and cons.
Edward Cullen.
Pros - Very handsome. Can save you from ultimate danger.
Cons - May crush you and is prone to bite pillows
Harry Potter
Pros - Can save you from the evil Voldemort. What? He's already dead? Then why's Harry good? Oh, yes. Potter has good character. Have to admire that character...
Cons - Can kill you with a stick if angered
Okay, that's my report. Please vote on the poll that is supposed to be on the left. If not, then we'd have to sadly assume it got eaten my Domo-Kun...
Do you know what really irks me?
When people try to critique, evaluate poetry.
Poetry is not written to be evaulated, it is written to express poet's thoughts. You cannot critique a poem that the poet wrote, because that is the poet's own work. This just maddens me endlessly while at school we read poems and have to answer questions about them and try to find the 'meaning'. Maybe there is no meaning? Ever thought of that?
Science Fair Project
For my Science Fair experiment I have to drop a bunch of liquids from an eyedropper. Very interesting, I know. Then I have to create a graph out of Microsoft Excel, which I must admit I think hates me, that is not cooperating and transfer my hypothesis and steps and data and whatnot onto this huge cardboard in which I have no clue what the name is. Tri-fold, you say? I knew that...
Obviously I am dreading this experiment, although I have started. My first two liquids - water and soapy water. Brilliant, for I am brilliant, naturally. Someone, not saying names, suggested using pee as another liquid. No thank you. I would much prefer sticking with my four orginial liquids - water, soapy water, gasoline (it seems to be cheaper this day, but the prices are steadily rising up), and olive oil. Someone else, anon, suggested the use of mecury. I don't think he/she knows that that can possibly kill me. Maybe that is their intention. I think I need to have a long talk with this someone.
I have to audtition for this school (I am not telling you what kind of school it is, stalker) in which I have to perform some kind of art. I cannot dance, I cannot sing. But I can act, (No, I did not take the cookie out of the cookie jar. The talking cookie jar in the shape of cookie monster must be lying). I am a writer, but my parents want me to play the piano, which I guess is some kind of art. I am practicing (oh dear, I must have forgotten how to spell that word. Wait, dictionary said I got it correct. Of course I did! I am a writer!) two songs - Moonlight by Ludwig Van Beethoven (funny name. Ludwig. I think I will name my child that. KIDDING! Oh, how I am kidding) and Hava Nagila, which according to my piano book is written by 'Traditional'. I am sorely afraid I do not know who traditional is. What is that? It is a traditional song. Well, why couldn't they say that in the first place! Goodness, the complications we make for ourselves. Wish me luck. The audition is on March 17, a day after I get the results for ABNA. I am sure to mess up, for every time I imagine mean judges watching me, my hands get sweaty and I press the wrong key. Woe is me, I will have to chalk my hands before performing. Oh dear, what a mess.
Beethoven the Bear
Yes, I have received a teddy bear on Thursday from a mysterious someone who we will not name. Let me describe the bear -
It is white, and some of the fur seems like it got cut off in a pattern, looking like an all-white checkerboard.
He has black eyes, black nose, black mouth. The soles of his feet are red and he wears a red ribbon on his neck. The left side of his face is flat, I think from the way he was placed in the shoebox. I believe that he was bought from the 99cent store, but it is the thought the counts.
Now that you have a clear picture of Beethoven, I can tell you my many adventures with him in three days. Okay, I did not have any adventures to tell so I won't say anything. He just sleeps by me in bed. Do you do that? I have over 5 Build-A-Bears. They used to sleep with me, but then we sadly realized there was no such room for a human and over 5 Build-A-Bears so they are content with sleeping/sitting at the foot of my bed. Such a terrible nuisance, that was. When I was little, I went out of my way to make my bears comfortable on my bed. Now I know better. My back hurts. But having one bear is enough, thank you very much.
The Weather
The weather is such a lovely topic to talk about, for you have no fear of offending someone. Weather and health, although health is more risky. The weather is windy. The weather is dark. The weather is gloomy. The weather is dark. What do you mean I already said dark? Then what else rhymes with dark? Hark? Park? Shark? Oh yes, I am sure the weather is shark. You get the picture. Last night the wind was banging on my windows and the rain was pelting the roof. I was afraid my bedroom was going to be blown away, and I with it. But it was a nice thought. Maybe I would end up where, where did Dorothy end up? Oz? Never mind. I do not want to meet the scarecrow. He creeps me out. When I woke up, the wind was still roaring. I heard a plane's propeller. Then I heard a crash. I opened the blinds. But I did not see a devastated plane. Oh, well. It would have made for an interesting story.
You know that plane that crashed in the Hudson river? Oh, wait, never mind. I answered my own question right now. My question was this - Why was it such a big deal that everyone survived the plane crash? And why was it that the other plane that crashed, killing around 49 people, I believe, wasn't such a big deal?
The answer was obvious - The people in the plane in the Hudson River should have died, but didn't. It is a sad thing, though, people are dying every minute. Babies are being born every second. We are much too overpopulated, I wish we could go to Mars already, but I read a story in the Seventh Grade about people going to Mars and the morphed into...aliens.
The answer was obvious - The people in the plane in the Hudson River should have died, but didn't. It is a sad thing, though, people are dying every minute. Babies are being born every second. We are much too overpopulated, I wish we could go to Mars already, but I read a story in the Seventh Grade about people going to Mars and the morphed into...aliens.
David Cook
I am listening to Light On - David Cook. He rocks. That's all I have to say.
My back really hurts, so I have to leave you now. Comment if you must, but beware because I hear that Voldemort has died. Yes, he is still a threat even though he is dead. How? I don't know! You are extremely hard to talk to, you know that? You do? are you just trying to make this difficult for me?
Oh, two more things.
Oh, two more things.
British Accents
Whenever I am writing, I write as if I have a British Accent. And when I talk to myself (don't look at me that way, you know you do that too) I talk to me in a British Accent? Is this normal? There's this thing I heard, I forgot the name, where you wake up with a totally different language. I wish I would wake up with French. I have been trying to learn it with Rosetta Stone, but I am (what's the word?!) limited to only a few words. I can say, egg in french. Oh, no. I forgot. Okay, I can say...milk in French. It is, du lait (pronounced Doo-Lay). And Five in French is Cinq (pronounced SANK). Yes, it is not Rosetta's fault, it is mine, because I simply do not have the time to do it.
I forgot what I was going to say.
Sorry, but it's true. Grr.
Let me leave you with a random picture!
I have to think up a phrase that I will be known for. Like Ryan Seacrest's (is that how you spell it?) 'After the break'. Everyone stole that from him. That's why I look down my nose (is that the correct phrase? It doesn't seem quite right...) on other stations that copy that. Get your own! ACK!!!! The pictures just messed up the whole layout! GR. Now the pictures are on the top. Sorry about that. >=[
After the Break,
V Bored (also known in other blogs as 'So What')
*trys to fix layout hurriedly*
*title disappears*
*computer crashes*
*bangs computer hard with hammer*
*press on button*
*computer not responding*
*put mouth to USB port*
*Breath heavily*
*Computer reboots*
*paper clip asking if I need help*
*forgets password*
*hacks into own computer*
*funny smelling steam emitting from keyboard*
*house goes on fire*
*runs out the door with pajamas*
*curses pictures*
We hold these truths to be self evident...that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit
happiness-Declaration of
0 Scuttlebutt(s):
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Whatever is this box for? I'm supposed to welcome you, you say. Well, on the right it says, "Comment Form Message". Is that a bad thing? Oh...okay. I thought so. Well, where is this going to go? Right above the commenting box? Alright, then. If you say so.
You should be commenting right here...er...where's the down arrow?...not reading my blithe blathering!
Oh my gosh, that is actually a word!
Welcome Everybody!