Actually, it doesn't matter. The whole world, apparently, is going against me. This is going to be a more heavyhearted post than usual because right now, I'm at the edge of my cliff.
Avalanche - David Cook (Thank you to www.lyricsbay.com for lyrics)
I feel alive beside you
And all at once
I am whole again.
We fall into each other
Your atmosphere
Is all I'm breathing in
And in this rush
We are crushed
Carry me down
Roll it in your arms
Cause' I can't remember
Ever falling this hard
Tell me tonight,
All that we have been
Was it nothin' more
Than a noise inside my head
Crashing down, crashing down,
In your avalanche.
In your avalanche.
These scars we wear remind us
The more we change
The more we're all the same
Swept up in this emotion
We fumble through and make the same mistakes
Cause' we are led
To the edge
Carry me down
Roll it in your arms
I can't remember
Ever falling this hard
Tell me tonight
All that we have been
Was it nothin' moreThan a noise inside my head
Crashing down, crashing down,
In your avalanche
Crashing down, crashing down,
I feel alive beside you
Than all at once I am whole again...
The Depths of Doom
The 'rents are at it again.
'Nuff said.
Now is the battle between Mother Goose and Father Time Waster. Each are trying to rip me in half, trying to save some part of me that won't be there. And here is the difficult decision. Because obviously I cannot be ripped in half. If I do, my heart, my brain and all my vital organs will collapse. I cannot let that happen, so I have to choose which side I have to be in. It seems that Mother Goose is determined to have me whole on her side, and I'm afraid Father Time Waster cannot do anything about it. The silent treatment has gone beyond silence.
Did I also mention that I won't be going to either Lolipop Land or Ghetto Grounds? Shocked? I suppose you would be. Mother Goose is taking me to (Insert country here that is not America here). We shall call this country Salve. I hope there isn't a country called that already, if there is, no, that is not where I am going. We are going in the summer, since one of Mother Goose's friends whom we will call Stapler has offered Mother Goose a free ticket to Salve. And I am going with her.
Oh, woe! I do not know where to turn! I don't want what I thought was my blanket of reality to be ripped apart! My pledge long ago was, if this ever happened, I would run away. I would do like George Washington - stay neutral and proclaim Isolationism. But I am going to Salve, no matter what happens. Unless, by any sheer luck, the parents make up which I highly doubt. So I have come up with a solution to punish Mother Goose for this heinous act. You may call me selfish, immature or a brat. But if you were in my shoes, which you are obviously are not in since first of all I am not even wearing any shoes, you would do the same!
My act will be called The Depths of Doom. Not for me, and certainly not for you but for Mother Goose. I cannot reveal all, since who knows what lurks in the internet. People have mouths, and if they ever find out, word would go around to Mother Goose. I have succeeded in remaining anonymous so far, but the clues are in plain sight and anyone who knows me can connect the dots with their gossiping pencil and I will be trapped even more. But I can tell you this - The Depths of Doom will involve several cases of rebellion and lots of shunning.
Like the new Background?
I hope you do, because I do. Well, it certainly is an upgrade from my old one. I added a bunch of new widgets, also, but I am afraid I lost the Harry Potter vs Edward Cullen poll. But we all know the answer to that anyways, so I will not dwell on it much further. First and formost, I want to thank Blogger templates and Blog help for the splendiferous template. The steps were most simple and that was the only lucky thing that happened to me today. Smile ;)
Brisingr! *keyboard catches on fire* Jumping Junipers! What the...
Yes! I finished the book yesterday! Or was it the day before yesterday? Well, one of those two. Bravo, Christpher Paolini, for once again painting the beautiful picture of what is Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr, also known as the Inheritance Cycle. Thank goodness there is a fourth book! It would be most saddenning if it ended at the third.
Beware, for there are SPOILERS contained below this sentence. Read at your own spoiling.
Christopher Paolini - if you are there, which I highly doubt, I have to say although Brisingr was wonderful and I especially liked naming the sword Brisingr, I don't understand the use of it catching on fire. Also, I think the story would have been more interesting if you would have just let Eragon be Morzan's son rather than Brom. Unless that was your main purpose from the beginning, I have no complaints.
I have to admit, I enjoyed Eldest more than Brisingr, more likely because Brisingr was more like a...how do you say it? a lot of noneventful things happened. Well, they were eventful, but certainly not relevant. Well, maybe relevant.
Anyways, also. I don't understand. If Arya could make the gold tulips or whatever the flower was and make a grass ship fly, why aren't the other elves doing that, too? It is so odd. If I knew how to make gold tulips and grass ships fly, I would be doing that all day.
Otherwise, I enjoyed the book. You use a lot of similes, though.
No School Today For Me!
Why, you ask? Was there a holiday, I hear you say? Did the teachers have a conference? Were you sick? Did you get run over by a car? If you didn't, I certainly hope you did.
No! No! No! No! No! and No! I hope you get run over by a car, too!
I woke up this morning, thinking I was going to go to school. I ate my oatmeal obediently, with my right eye closed because it was still sleeping. I wearily told Mother Goose that I hadn't intended on going to school today. Which I really hadn't.
And you know what? She obliged!
I was so happy, I hugged her and confirmed if it really was alright. See, we haven't began The Depths of Doom stage yet. Not till we get to that dreaded airport. Father Time Waster agreed, also. Thus I didn't go to school! I went back to sleep, wondering if I should go to school. I slept for three more hours and awoke vitalized but a tad regretful. Now I'd have to do even more work! Woe!
But it doesn't matter. I didn't go to school today! My excuse would be that I had a major headache and I was sore all over. I certainly cannot say I was sick, for yesterday I was as healthy as a...healthy person. Three reasons I didn't go to school were -
1. I hate Pillowcase Academy
2. Yesterday was such a horrible day, I didn't want to relive it
3. I was sleepy
I feel like such a badbosom.
I Am A Plant
No, not really. I am not a plant. But some days ago, Mother Goose commented that everytime I take a bath, I grow. I joked that it was because I was a plant. So yes, I grow like a plant. Give me water, and I'll be fine. But make the sunlight go away! Today it was so sunny, I was amazed yeseterday I had to open my umbrella. It was a good thing I didn't go to Pillowcase Academy, or else I would be in such a foul mood. Well, I'd be in a foul mood anyway. I should go take a bath.
John Smith and Jane Doe
I ask you, do you know anybody named John Smith or Jane Doe? No, you could not have seen their names in a telephone display. And no, the Pochantas John Smith does not count. John Smith and Jane Doe are supposed to be such popular names, yet I don't know anybody with such a name! Goodness! Like, have you ever read a book that starts out with, "It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"...scratch the latter. I have read a book that starts out like that. But the John Smith and the Jane Doe are such a puzzling pair...
V Blasé
I suppose I should explain what V Blasé means.
V, I have read in an British Book, is slang for Very. So we solved one part of the equation.
Blasé, according to WordWeb, means sophisticated and bored.
So there you have it, Very Bored. Same as my username.
Now for my URL, www.trespasse.blogspot.com
I think you can interpret what blogspot means. But trespasse. Whatever could that mean? No, I don't mean trespass as in, I am going to trespass on his property so I can steal his dog. I mean
Tres Passé as in Three times Old-Fashioned. Or, Three times Out of Fashion.
As you can tell, the way I talk when I post it doesn't seem like how one would talk today, does it? Well, there's the meaning for that. And also because I like saying Tres Passé and V Blasé. Very sophisticated, am I not right?
Science Fair Experiment Updates
I know you are hardly interested in this, but Too Bad. I will only delve into this topic for a short time. Finally, I have something pasted on my tri-fold posterboard! My colors are very pretty, they are
Cerulean, Dark Lime Greene, and a Candy Purple with Some Bright Orange.
I'm afraid, though, the graph and title takes up most of the space up top, so I don't have any space to put my name without ruining the whole blase design. I just need to add some pictures, write my data and conclusion then voila! How do you pronounce it then? Vwah-lah? Oops. What do you mean how did I pronounce it, I pronounced it like how it is spelled!
The computer and printer, though, worked as a tag team and did everything they could to prevent me from printing out all my data. How much paper we wasted yesterday! I am so sorry, trees! I was so ashamed! You don't even want to know how much paper we wasted at our futile attempts at getting the dang thing to print!
Substitute Tips
Yesterday we had a substitute, and how exasperated I am at them! Goodness. Here are some tips for all you subs, if there are any, watching.
- If you are going to say that you are going to write them a referral or give them detention if they don't behave, then WRITE THEM A REFERRAL! Holy Moose! How many times have I heard subs say that, but didn't do a thing? It's time to take action, Golly! Don't be afraid of what the students think of you, you won't see them the rest of your life time anyways!
-There once was a smart substitute we had, and he asked the class, "Do you like candy?" Naturally, the class nodded their heads and exclaimed what candy they liked. The sub said that if we did our work, we'd get raffle tickets. The more harder you work, the more raffle tickets you have then the more chance you have at getting your name picked at the raffle for candy. How still the classroom was for candy! And we only got three pieces! It seemed like the whole class got three pieces of candy, so the effort for being good was useless. This is a great way to get your students quiet and working, except only choose five people to get candy.
-If you have a Texan/cowboy accent and hate humiliation, don't be a sub. The students will laugh at you and be highly annoyed at your voice, no offense.
Why, you ask, am I doing this? Because if I haven't gone into this topic before, then I'll say it now. I am surrounded by unlighted lightbulbs! I tried making that as nice as possible. I am quite different from most people and I actually would like to learn. What are you talking about? You were the one who said you wanted me under a car first!
I'm afraid this post was all just rants and more rants. Sorry, if you read this and were bored. I just need to get my steam out and you're the only person who would listen.
After the break,
V Bored
"This is my "depressed stance." When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this."
-Charlie Brown
2 Scuttlebutt(s):
You're spunky, I like you. And you agree with me on the best methods for making friends...woahhhhh!
....David Cook = <3
I like you too.
Your blog's a bit like reading one of those books that are really secretly people's diaries and they don't know you (or the book) exists. Like Dear Dumb Diary.
Not that that's a bad thing.
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Whatever is this box for? I'm supposed to welcome you, you say. Well, on the right it says, "Comment Form Message". Is that a bad thing? Oh...okay. I thought so. Well, where is this going to go? Right above the commenting box? Alright, then. If you say so.
You should be commenting right here...er...where's the down arrow?...not reading my blithe blathering!
Oh my gosh, that is actually a word!
Welcome Everybody!