What About Now - Chris Daughtry (Daughtry) (Thanks lyricsmania.com)
Shadows fill an empty heart
As love is fading,
From all the things that we are
But are not saying.
Can we see beyond the scars
And make it to the dawn?
Change the colors of the sky.
And open up to
The ways you made me feel alive,
The ways I loved you.
For all the things that never died,
To make it through the night,
Love will find you.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
The sun is breaking in your eyes
To start a new day.
This broken heart can still survive
With a touch of your grace.
Shadows fade into the light.
I am by your side,
Where love will find you.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love, it never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
Now that we're here,
Now that we've come this far,
Just hold on.
There is nothing to fear,
For I am right beside you.
For all my life, I am yours.
What about now?
What about today?
What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
What if our love never went away?
What if it's lost behind words we could never find?
Baby, before it's too late,
Baby, before it's too late,
Baby, before it's too late,
What about now?
Okay! Never trust htmls...what? What did you say? I didn't say anything. Right. Yeah. Alright. Okay.
Anyways! I have a multidude...er...multitude of topics to discuss with you today!
First off,
Baby, before it's *burp* too late
Have you ever thoughten (my new word) what happens when singers are singing onstage to the whole world and then they need to burp?
How embarrassing! I was singing earlier, although I sing horribly. That is why my door is always closed. But I am sure my screechy cat stuck in a lawn mower...well, maybe it's not bad. I am being honest! Whatever. My booming voice could be heard anyways. When suddenly, I needed to burp real bad. Oh, goodness! I kept on singing, though, because I am a survivor. Just like Reba! I haven't heard from her in a long time. Hopefully, she is still surviving. That would be wildly funny if, in American Idol, perhaps, a contestant just burped. Oh, the anguish! But let's not delve into saddening topics such as this. Let us go on to my next idea.
How embarrassing! I was singing earlier, although I sing horribly. That is why my door is always closed. But I am sure my screechy cat stuck in a lawn mower...well, maybe it's not bad. I am being honest! Whatever. My booming voice could be heard anyways. When suddenly, I needed to burp real bad. Oh, goodness! I kept on singing, though, because I am a survivor. Just like Reba! I haven't heard from her in a long time. Hopefully, she is still surviving. That would be wildly funny if, in American Idol, perhaps, a contestant just burped. Oh, the anguish! But let's not delve into saddening topics such as this. Let us go on to my next idea.
Saying Thank You, Ma'am. Oh dear, you're a guy? Well, for goodness sakes, cut your hair!
Yes, saying thank you. But not exactly like that up there ^. I have had trouble saying thank you, preferring to nod. I don't exactly know why I don't like saying thank you. Maybe because so little people have shown any appreciation to me, I don't feel the need to show any appreciation to them. But now I have blossomed and am starting to say thank you a lot more. Like, thank you for the water. Or, thank you for buying me candy. Or, thank you for getting Beethoven the Bear out of the toilet. It really feels good, well, not really. When I say thank you, I don't feel as inferior as I used to. But thank you is apparently supposed to be good manners. So today, I challenge you to say thank you to somebody. Whether it be for them sharing their umbrella with you or the simple things like taking a teddy bear out of the toilet. We all can do wonders in this world if we just stay true to...you thought I was going to say 'ourselves' didn't you! Well, no! I am not even truthful with myself sometimes. But back to topic, if we just stay true to others and maybe, just maybe you will be recognized for something that you did. I haven't yet, but my time will come. Hopefully on May, 15.
Forks, Washington. Home of Edward Cullen and Peter Smith, although you haven't ever heard of him.
Ever since Stephenie Meyer put Forks as her setting for Twilight, I am sure there are hyped up teenagers, lining up to go to Forks, hoping to get their own vampire. Preferably Edward Cullen and not Peter Smith, the bagger at FoodsRUs. If there was ever a line graph on the population of Forks, Washington, I am sure that that population has doubled. I, myself, would hate to live there. I have looked it up on google pictures, and the forests are extremely creepy. I would hate to be stuck there with a vampire. Whoever would find my body? Quick Fact, Stephenie Meyer wanted to call Twilight, Forks. Yes, I know. It's a good thing she didn't. And one of the characters (maybe Jasper or someone...I forget) she wanted to name Donald. Donald is hardly a dashing vampire name, it keeps reminding me of Donald the Duck. As we are now in the topic of Twilight, do you know Kanye West has around 450 shoes?
Keep Your Blog Short
Well, I certainly haven't done that, now have I? My scroll bar is so tiny, my cursor cannot even click on it. I read on authorblog that when the the blogger of that blog, david mcsomething, was interviewing some other blogger named Pappy something, this is somewhat what Pappy said -
Keep your blog short.
Oops. I suppose I haven't exactly done that, now have I?
Oh well! I cannot keep all my ideas as separated, I shall certainly for sure blow up! Just one idea every day? The likes of it! I have too many ideas for half an eternity, there is no way and there is not a possible way I could ever keep my blog short. So if you really are out there, reading this, I am truly sorry for all this informtion I have packed on you! I have half a mind to change this blog name to Expressive Views, which I will not because V Blase sounds much more sophisticated. Anyways, if all the blogs were short and my blog was the longest, my blog would be unique. Ah, well. Uniqueness comes with a price, and I'm afraid you have to put up with all of my random rantings. If I were you, I would have taken one look at this blog and then ditched it because it was so d*mn (=O) long. But I do not recommend that. Please don't leave, or I will be talking to myself yet again, and that is a river I would much like to avoid.
Oh well! I cannot keep all my ideas as separated, I shall certainly for sure blow up! Just one idea every day? The likes of it! I have too many ideas for half an eternity, there is no way and there is not a possible way I could ever keep my blog short. So if you really are out there, reading this, I am truly sorry for all this informtion I have packed on you! I have half a mind to change this blog name to Expressive Views, which I will not because V Blase sounds much more sophisticated. Anyways, if all the blogs were short and my blog was the longest, my blog would be unique. Ah, well. Uniqueness comes with a price, and I'm afraid you have to put up with all of my random rantings. If I were you, I would have taken one look at this blog and then ditched it because it was so d*mn (=O) long. But I do not recommend that. Please don't leave, or I will be talking to myself yet again, and that is a river I would much like to avoid.
My Water is Not Exactly Clean
Now on to more lighthearted topics, yes, I do believe my water is not exactly clean. I remember once in school that my teacher said the water that comes from, wherever does my water come from? Well, wherever it comes from, it goes underground and passes through Sandstone! Or was it limestone? One of those!
So every time you are brushing your teeth, taking a bath, or washing that unending pile of dishes, you remember the water you are using has touched sand/lime stone and other things that may have wormed its way through the stone.
So every time you are brushing your teeth, taking a bath, or washing that unending pile of dishes, you remember the water you are using has touched sand/lime stone and other things that may have wormed its way through the stone.
Edward Cullen or Harry Potter? The winner revealed...
I am extremely disappointed in you, friend. Only one person had voted. So the winner is now to be revealed to everybody, based on this one person's opinion.
And the winner is...*drumroll please*...after the break!
Mua ha. Mua, ha, ha, ha.
Mua ha. Mua, ha, ha, ha.
*It's time for movies on demand...*
*Those are my minutes!*
*Those are my minutes!*
*Can you hear me now?*
*Double your pleasure...double your fun...it's the right one, the Doublemint gum*
*F-R-E-E that spells Free*
*Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there*
*1-800-588-2300 Empire*
*For the best car insurance rates in town call 1-800 General now!*
Welcome back to, The Battle of the Books. Here in one corner we have Edward Cullen, ready to bite your way into eternity. In the next corner, we have Harry Potter who has a very fashionable stick and broom! Alright, folks. And the winner is...
*opens card slowly*
*audience fidgets in anticipation*
*audience fidgets in anticipation*
The winner of The Battle of the Books is...Snape!...Snape?
*Snape enters boxing ring and begins singing*
"Snape, Snape...Severus Snape."
That's this weeks, The Battle of the Books. Tune in next time!
This is my last idea for today, since I will try and make this as short as possible.
I have neglected a lot of stuff. Such as this blog and Beethoven the Bear, whom I have on my lap right now because I feel so guilty. My Science Fair Experiment I am not so fond of, and I do not have the tri-fold cardboard on my lap. How silly, it would block my view of the computer screen! But I have to get writing my Science Fair Experiment the procedure, hypothesis and type it up and print it out. But I am so lazy! Do I have to do this!? It is due on Thursday. I am not so optimistic on it. Grrr...My tri-fold cardboard is a blankless white, begging for science graphs and scientific words on it! But, no! We shall not give them the satisfaction. No, no, no. You remember that. HOLY MOOOOOOOOOSSSEEE!!!!!!!!
Okay, let me explain my random outburst.
On the radio, they keep playing a sample of Coldplay's song - Viva La Vida, my current favorite song, apparently they are going on tour. So when I heard the beginning of the song, I was like, "Eh, it's just another samle." But it wasn't! It was the whole song! I jumped for joy and began dancing, not caring if my neighbors could see me! Which I hope they haven't since I can dance just as good as I can sing. That is why. It was not a cry for sorrow, it was a cry for joy.
Let me leave you with another quote.
After the Break,
V Bored
"Real happiness is cheap enough, yet how dearly we pay for its counterfeit."
-Hosea Ballou
(Thanks to quotegarden.com for all the quotes!)
1 Scuttlebutt(s):
haha I like this post
I found it interesting that you also don't really say thank you, instead you nod, I do that too! I feel bad about it sometimes because some people look at me I guess expecting to hear a thank you or you're welcome (i don't say that either)
that picture is sooo cute!!!
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Whatever is this box for? I'm supposed to welcome you, you say. Well, on the right it says, "Comment Form Message". Is that a bad thing? Oh...okay. I thought so. Well, where is this going to go? Right above the commenting box? Alright, then. If you say so.
You should be commenting right here...er...where's the down arrow?...not reading my blithe blathering!
Oh my gosh, that is actually a word!
Welcome Everybody!