hello again! if you could not tell before, I get bored quite easily and have now come back and I believe 24 hours has not even passed yet.
Let us start off with a...queer song, I must say.
Human - The Killers (or I believe, this is what it is called. Thanks to songmeanings.net for lyrics)
I did my best to notice
When the call came down the line
Up to the platform of surrender
I was brought but I was kind
And sometimes I get nervous
When I see an open door
Close your eyes, clear your heart
Cut the cord
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
Pay my respects to grace and virtue
Send my condolences to good
Hear my regards to soul and romance
They always did the best they could
And so long to devotion
It taught me everything I know
Wave goodbye, wish me well
You've gotta let me go
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
You've gotta let me know
Are we human or are we dancer?
My sign is vital, my hands are cold
And I'm on my knees looking for the answer
Are we human or are we dancer?
I am afraid I don't no quite what this all means. Are we human, or are we dancer? Some people argue it's denser, although when I hear the song, I think they mean 'dancer'. Although denser would make much more sense, it is an insult to the human race. And if you think about it, denser does not make much sense either.
Now on to more redundant topics. I do not care if I used that word the wrongly. Yes, wrongly is a word. I bet you one hundred dollars. Mua ha! Mua, ha ha ha! Yes, I am correct. As per usual. Now I am a hundred dollars richer! What is that, you say? You don't have a hundred dollars? What a spoil sport.
The Digital Transition Has Been Postponed!
Oh, dear. I am afraid that I am correct, as per usual.
Today, while reading Brisingr, I found out that today was February 16. Extremely smart, I am.
"Oh," I had remarked. "Tomorrow is the transition for digital TV."
"It got postponed," someone (whom we will not name) informed me, "to June."
"June!" I exclaimed, attention diverted from the wedding preparations I was reading between two somebody's whom we will also not name, for I don't want to give you spoilers. Okay, Roran and Katrina. I am sorry. I couldn't help myself. "How stupid, all this hype for naught."
Then News Channel () began talking more about Digital TV Transition. I left the room.
It is all too much, really. They supposedly ran out of coupons, If you haven't a converter box and a lot of money, I suggest getting a coupon. Although according to that News Channel, you may have to wait for a long time, maybe until December, to receive your coupon. Then they had a special guest and a live community chat in which I did not participate for two obvious reasons-
I was reading a very gripping book
The computer wasn't near
I believe they hadn't a lot of people in that chat, since they kept asking for me to join. Too bad. All this talk about Digital Transition is maddening. You just see, by June we shall wait until 2010 to go into this transition. I don't see the harm in analog, though. It is a good comfort (even if the picture is quite blurry and it makes that awful blaring noise) if digital has that "No Signal", which irritates me endlessly.
That Stupid Verification Code
I am trying to join a website we shall call Unnamed. Unfortunately, Unnamed has a variety of unreadable verification codes. I wear glasses, let us be honest, but I am not this blind. The letters are all jumbled up and I cannot tell if that is supposed to be a C or a V. I have pressed the refresh button multiple times, and I am afraid they are going to run out of verification codes for me and deem me as robot. I am not a robot, mind you. For robots do not have minds, they have computer chips, obviously. Goodness, I hadn't a clue you were that dense.
The Other Blog
I have another blog, which is basically the same thing as this but much shorter.
I suggest you stay here, though, although over there I have a brand new friend named Delma, whom I will try to kidnap here. My other blog is in all French, save my posts, and I haven't a clue what I am clicking. Someone, please tell me what Voici quelques idées pour vous aider à configurer votre journal means before it's too late!
Story Time!
My Vision of The Computer
A villainous group of spider robots (bots) crawling along with a huge tick (bugs) and an enormous green cell (virus). They destroy your data by throwing an ax on a microchip (hacking).
You, on the other hand, click on something, automatically making a titanic brick wall that's on fire rise up and block the bots, bugs, and viruses (firewall). Then you unknowingly turn off your firewall and teh villainous gropu continues stealign your data and email conversations.
Moral: Don't turn off your firewall. EVER.
Science Fair Experiment Updates
Yesterday, I had a very interesting...I forgot the word...with Microsoft Excel. I pasted my pretty line graphs on to Microsoft Word. Then, I tried printing out the graphs, but the color of the lines would not show! I got extremely angry. Someone told me to print again. I tried reasoning with them that it would turn out the same, and so it did. We wasted a stack of paper that day. I am deathly sorry, trees. But I recycled, and you cannot for once doubt recycling. Finally I got my pretty lines colored when I printed it out from an RTF file. Why is it so important I should have pretty colored lines in my graph? BECAUSE, you cannot deny pretty colors. I printed out the title of my project, but it's not to my satisfaction. So there's another thing. I also need to create hypothesis, and all that other junk. Grrr. Holy Moose, I have a lot of things to do, yet I am here, conversing with you...no offense.
This T-Shirt is Too Big
Today, I received a T-Shirt from Anon. It was wraped in a Ross bag.
"Open it," another Anon said. "See if you like it."
I began to unknot the knot and took out a gray Roxy T-Shirt with teal and silver hearts and stripes all over it. "Oh, yes!" I replied. "I do like it! But it is too big for me."
Anon: "No, it fits."
I am afraid I do no think so, although it really is a nice shirt.
Finally! Some Action!
Beethoven the Bear has finally deemed interesting! We were listening to a song...Bar-ba-Sol -David Cook...when Beethoven the Bear began to string an imaginary guitar. Bravo, Beethoven the Bear! We are finally getting somewhere adventurous. Did I spell that right? I didn't? So what. I am right, in my mind. As per usual. Beethoven the Bear says his paws hurt. That is much too bad, but I forced him to continue playing that guitar. Is this animal abuse? I hope not. Okay, Beethoven, you can stop. He can't stop. Oh, no. Is this normal? He didn't come with a manual! I am scared, now.
Alas, there is nothing else for me to talk about. Well, there is, but nothing extremely interesting.
Right now I just got a Gaia. If you would like to talk to me there, my username is RazrRain. If you would please find me, that would be most helpful. I am lonely, lost, and vulnerable. Not the position I would like to be in.
Let's see, I shall leave you with another quote.
Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad
-Norm Papernick
After the Break,
V Bored, alias So what and now RazrRain.
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Whatever is this box for? I'm supposed to welcome you, you say. Well, on the right it says, "Comment Form Message". Is that a bad thing? Oh...okay. I thought so. Well, where is this going to go? Right above the commenting box? Alright, then. If you say so.
You should be commenting right here...er...where's the down arrow?...not reading my blithe blathering!
Oh my gosh, that is actually a word!
Welcome Everybody!