Ha, ha, ha. Scared you? I'm sure...I haven't been on here for a while. Oh, you've noticed? How sweet...
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles (Thank you to http://www.bjornetjenesten.dk/ for lyrics)
It was twenty years ago today,
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play
They've been going in and out of style
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.
So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for all these years,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
We hope you will enjoy the show,
We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band,
Sit back and let the evening go.
Sgt. Pepper's lonely,
Sgt. Pepper's lonely,
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
It's wonderful to be here,
It's certainly a thrill.
You're such a lovely audience,
We'd like to take you home with us
We'd love to take you home.
I don't really want to stop the show,
But I thought that you might like to know,
That the singer's going to sing a song,
And he wants you all to sing along.
So let me introduce to you
The one and only Billy Shears
And Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Don't ask. Seriously. I just have all this Beatle stuff going through my head...No, I do not have lice. And I am sorry not to get in touch with you sooner, blog. I was very busy in ways I will explain in the following post.
Essays and Projects
Wondering about what happened to my beee-utiful science experiment? Sure you are. Well, the teach finally congratulated my on how good my experiment was. Ms. Remote then submitted say 48 experiments out of her students that actually had a chance of winning the Science Fair (The real one). But, woe. She forgot to inform us about an Introduction Abstract or something of the sorts, so the judges refused to judge Pillowcase Academy's tri-folds. Ms. Remote was upset, that was obvious. She told us to go to the Science Fair on Thursday at who-knows-where-and-who-really-cares. It was our homework. I was sick, so I couldn't go even if I wanted to. (We'll get to that bit later). Hopefully, my grade will not suffer for it. Although my GPA has hit its botom (discuss this later, also). So all that work for yet again, nothing. And in the Science test we had on...well, I forgot. I got all the questions right. Unfortunately, Ms. Remote is so Remote as to forget that I actually did more extra-credit (I'm somehow obsessed with all this extra-credit I will not get) than she marked me. I got a 43/40 instead of a 47/40. Ah, woe.
The other reason I could not get to you was because of my Inventions Project. I didn't work on it. I did the Slide Show and that's about it. It's due on the 27th. Teachers are very unfair, they don't see how much work they are cramming into our craniums. I have four essays (two page minimum each), a graph, 25 index cards filled with notes, a painting of my invention, and something else. I haven't got to do anything. I'm aiming at finishing an essay today, but this is highly unlikely.
Remember my poetry project? I did that, too. It turned out very pretty and glittery. Colors - black and white with polka dots and simple, sophisticated fonts. My songs I chose were - Viva la Vida, Thunder and Total Eclipse of the Heart.
B +. Are you fudging serious?!
On Thursday I was sick. But I went to Pillowcase Academy anways because we had tests that day and I didn't want to take them at the library later (Erghh...library *shudders not in the cold way*) Maybe it was because I wasn't focused, thinking about rubber duckies instead of math. Or maybe because my sore neck was distracting me, but I got a D on that test. A Freaking Fugging French Toasting Frogging D. D = DOOM. Then I supposedly didn't turn in an assigment I had absolutely NO IDEA about and thus the B + (That rhymes!).
If you can tell who I really am by my posts here, you probably don't think I am actually quite smart and have actually stored quite a bit of intelligent information up in my cranium. Like, did you know that a dog's head can live without its body? *Nods head seriously*. Quite right. You probably think I am some high maniac who stumbled upon blogger.com and began rambling on about chickens and whatnot. But I am actually smart, a Straight-A student, UNTIL NOW! (Key in Doom music. Dun dun dun dun).
Oh, I used to be a straight-a student
Till that stupid test
And all because
Of a B +
I am not the very best
Yes, I made that up. Better Copyright it. Copyright V Bored 2009 (pretend that circle C thing is here). Now, instead of a 4.0 average (yes, it is possible, oh dim mind) I have a 3.83333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
=[ Not happy.
ABNA Updates
I really do not have anything to say about this. But tomorrow, I will know if I made it to the top 500 or if I my story just wasn't good enough and I got cut. Hopefully, I made it. But in all honesty, I don't think my story is brilliant at all. This happens with all the stories I make. I love it while I'm writing, thinking this is going to be the Next Best Dang Thing, but then afterwards I'd go, "What the heck is all that rubbish junk I'm rambling about?"
Yes, but if I make it that will keep my happy for a considerably long time. I certainly don't expect to make it to the top 100. But I will know I'm good enough to beat around 10,000 other people.
Somebody's Got Their Panties All In A Bunch
Sorry for that gruesome image in your brain at this moment, but that is really the only way I can think of to describe what has just happened.
Mother Goose just came in, all snappy, saying. "You should be working on your school stuff. Watch, at eleven you're going to be scrambling..."
That is probably true, but the only thing I would be scrambling about is my Inventions Project, which I am not at all eager to be stay up late for.
That is probably true, but the only thing I would be scrambling about is my Inventions Project, which I am not at all eager to be stay up late for.
"At nine, you are done!"
This was a bit harsh. I don't know why she's so cranky all of a sudden. I swear, if you're going to be cranky to someone, do not take it out on me or have at least a good reason why the heck you are cranky enough to remind me of all my problems. Misery loves company, I suppose. But earlier she was just fine.
This was a bit harsh. I don't know why she's so cranky all of a sudden. I swear, if you're going to be cranky to someone, do not take it out on me or have at least a good reason why the heck you are cranky enough to remind me of all my problems. Misery loves company, I suppose. But earlier she was just fine.
Goodness, take it out on the pillow, that's what I do.
Sick But Better
On Wednesday morning I woke up, sore throat. I recognized it immediately, I knew I was going to be sick. And I was.
I spent all day sneezing and drinking soda, because I had that feeling where you need to burp, but you just can't. It was awful.
Now, I am better, but I have to breathe through my mouth and if you were to talk to me on the phone or something, my voice would sound rather nasally. Yes, that is a word. I will be honest, there is snot stuck up somewhere in the depths of my nostrils. I just can't reach at it. Oh, don't look at me that way. You know you do, too, when no one is looking. But let me tell you, they are looking. That was not mean to sound creepy, but it did.
Now, every few minutes or something, I go to the bathroom, get myself some toilet paper and blow. It is green. No, not my nose. Not the toilet paper. I'd rather not repeat it, if you please.
And I can still feel it up there. This is not comfortable at all. And it is quite sticky, too. Reminds me of gooey silly putty.
I'm sorry for putting you through all these awful images, but this is my blog. My life. And this is my life, goo and all.
We All Live In A Yellow Submarine
I know what you are thinking, "M, we do not live in yellow submarines. We live on a planet called Earth. Ever been there before?"
But no, I am talking about the Beatles. Again, how many times do I have to repeat that I DO NOT HAVE LICE. *Scratches head*. I don't.
But no, I am talking about the Beatles. Again, how many times do I have to repeat that I DO NOT HAVE LICE. *Scratches head*. I don't.
I was sick, as you know quite well all the gooey details. My ELA teacher, whom I know I gave a nickname for but I just can't remember it now, let us listen to The Beatles as an example for our Poetry Project. At home, I remembered that we had a Beatles CD. I have been listening to it often now, more than I'd like. Right now, Yellow Submarine is stuck in my head. And no offense to all you Beatles fans, but whenver I listen to them, it is like getting high off of music. I seriously feel as if I am in a lush, green valley full of rainbows and a particular girl named Lucy in the sky with Diamonds in her hair. This is all too much.
My favorite so far is, Eleanor Rigby. It is a sad song, but it reminds me of Viva la Vida, my current favorite song, so I like it.
And I insist, we do live in yellow submarines. You're just thinking literally, my dear friend.
I like chocolate. You like chocolate? Oh, everybody likes chocolate. I especially like chocolate a lot. So, imagine my surprise one afternoon when checking the mail three bars of chocolate in a manila envelope sent to me? (and my family...) There were three chocolates -
Lindt 85% Cocoa
Belgium 72% Dark
Lindt Intense Mint Dark
I opened the Cocoa one right away, thinking it would taste like coffee, which I also like.
Oh, goodness. It was the bitterest(word?) thing I had ever tasted! I can't even describe it. Say, why don't you go out and buy yourself a bar, eh? But it was awful, truly awful. I, *shakes head* never wanted to eat it again. I had to drink orange juice to get the taste out, and that did not help.
The Belgium one was alright. But still bitter. Egh.
The Lindt was bitter, but the mint made it sweet and I actually kind of liked it.
Lesson, go out and buy yourself some Lindt Cocoa 85%?? :)
I have a stalker.
It's too much to explain really. We'll call him/her Toothpaste. Yes, there have been many accounts with Toothpaste. Such as, asking me what were my periods (Class periods, I mean. What a mind you have). And staring at me. Then telling me what my hair style was yesterday (I know what my hairstyle was yesterday, you do not have to remind me) and a considerable amoung of following, which is what stalkers are known for. Always there. So weird. My friends all hate Toothpaste, and I have to say, I am nice to all people and that was my problem the first place. I should not have been so nice to Toothpaste, yet I was. Not my fault, I did not know. And now my price is being followed and stared. Ugh. Maybe I am exaggerating, but it gave me quite a startle when Toothpaste popped up out of nowhere and said hi. This is all too much. Not to mention, Toothpaste is endlessly annoying and squealy/complainy. Gets mad too easily. Not someone I would be friends with in the first place. You think I'm a snob? You have not met Toothpaste. And quite honestly, I envy you for that.
That is all I can think about to write. Wish me luck in making the top 500!!!
Love You All/After the Break,
(It had to hpepan soeonr or laetr taht yuo'd konw the fsrit ltter of my nmae)
"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it."
-Jacques Prévert
P.S. When I was sick, I had a weird desire for Jell-O (which did you know is made out of horse?). Just thought I'd pop that in there. I'm going downstairs to eat my remaining Jello-O. It's fun to play with. Get a spoon and then hit the surface of the Jell-O and it wiggles. *giggles*. And when...
Okay. I'll stop now.
2 Scuttlebutt(s):
Good luck, though reading your blog I don't think you'll need luck :D
Nice to see you're back! (Love the Pon and Zi picture-it's my second favourite =))
thanks for visiting my blog :)
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